Wednesday, August 12, 2009

straits times reflection 12

Q1)Why is it easy for burglers to break into stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area?
A)it is easy because the units are open at the top the burglars would only need to stand the pipes or the metal bars to enter the unit.

Q2)What is the Geylang East Central Merchants' Association going to do about the break-ins?
A)They would look into improving and developing the security standard and putting security cameras to look over the place.

Q3)What do you think should be done to tighten the security of the markets? What do you think of the burglars who brazenly break into the stalls?
A)they should have security guards to walk around or they can also use cctv's to look over the quiet areas and alarm sounds when someone enters.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Straits Times Reflection 11

Q1). What are some of the problems involved in separating a conjoined twin?

Q1)Problems such as chest infection which could lead to death. complications and problems with spinal cord are some problems faced after the separation. It is said that the separation of a conjoined twin can leave one with serious brain damage or a major problem of excessive blood loss.

Q2). If you were a part of a conjoined twin, would you rather stay together with your twin for the rest of your life or would you risk both your lives to go for an operation? Why?

Q2) it depends because if there is a good surgeon than I would prefer being separated. Being a conjoined twin does not refer to a very serious problem. I would just have caused some inconveniences.

Straits Times Reflection 10

Q)1. What are big companies doing in order to be more socially responsible?

Q1)the company called 'SingTel' had an energy saving programme to help them reduce and create opportunity's to invite their customers to join in their environmental friendly efforts. DBS is focused on helping children reach their full potential in the areas of learning to make a big difference in their future. Major companies are commited to help the less privileged by raising funds.

Q2). How important it is to be socially responsible? And do you think it is still possible to make a social impact during the recession?

Q2) It helps treat people in the poorer regions of the world, by donating some money it would be able to help people bulid houses and help pay fees for education. It is still possible to make a social impact without spending a large sum of money. eg.the charity walkathon organised and it is able to raise $80,000, having a huge impact towards the Deaf.
Straits Times Reflection 9

Q1). What are some of the things that schools in Singapore are doing in order to take care of the environment?

Q1)Some schools would require students to bring the electricity bills from home to be recorded down (month energy usage) and to educate them to save energy. conservation and climate change is very important.and teach students about recyclable materials.

Q2). Do you think one person's effort in reducing, reusing and recycling will make a difference in saving the environment? What steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?

Q2)Yes, it would.everyone must understand the importance of saving the environment and the dangers of not saving it, To save water, we should not leave the tap on for too long and take short baths (5-10mins). To save electricity, we should switching off all lights, fans and any other electronic appliances when not in use. do not to use air-cons frequently because using it would require a lot of electricity (it is fine if at 25degrees)

Straits Times Reflection 8

Q1. How does the treatment programme of the Singapore Prison Service help sex offenders?

Q1)It helps them learn about the way they think and what their actions can cause them. It also teaches them to think through what they are doing is safe .

Question 2. Do you think that sex offenders should be given a second chance in the society? State your reasons.

Q2) depends if they want to improve and change to a better and civilized person. Giving them a second chance also means giving them hope to start afresh and prove that they had changed for the better. sending them to prison would be good if they continue to have that problem when a person is isolated from the rest the person would reflect and think about what they have done is correct ,most of them would be afraid and would not want to commit such an offence again.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

straits times reflections 7
Question 1. What is illegal logging?

1)it is the transporting, purchasing, sale of some materials which are banned by the law because the item can do harm. by doing such acts it also destroys the animals habitats and disrupt the balance of nature

Question 2. What can you do to stop the Sumatran tiger from extinction?

2)by Not trespassing or destroying their habitats and stop hunting them for the sake of fun and monetary gains. governments set more laws and fines to stop them from destroying the tigers habitats.

Question 1. What are the different forms of ketamine?

1)ketamine can be in different forms such as liquid form and solid, legally used by doctors and vets for curing purposes. Ketamine also taken by people who wants to waste their lives such as to feel numb or people call it "feel high".

Question 2. What would you do if you knew your friend took ketamine?

2) I would advise him to stop taking the drugs because it will ruin his live and i would tell him about the consequences that he will face if he is caught. if he still doesn't listen i will personally call the police to arrest him or put him in a drug rehab centre.

Monday, March 2, 2009

straits times reflections 5
Question 1. In the last line, what did the writer mean by suggesting that “he may have found more porcupines than rats?”

1)The writer meant that Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong suggested that he had found more brave people like porcupines than timid people which hide when they faces obstacles. (In the Total Defense campaign).

Question 2. What’s worth giving up your life for?

2)If I had to protect my family and close friends from trouble, it is worth giving up my life for them as I would not want to see my closed ones suffer or perish.(family is the most inportant thing it is because it is our family which brought us up and raised us up to be what we are today)
straits times reflections 4
Question 1. Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?

1) The school wants them learn good habits like spending their time wisely. They did not want the students to loiter around to not learn bad things.

Question 2. Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer.

2) No. i dont agree with this rule for no going to malls,because some students have to eat outside school because the schools canteen maybe closed at times.some students do not have lunch at home and needs to buy their lunch too. It is quite troublesome for them to go back home and change into their home clothes and go out again to buy lunch. This rule is not good for exercising . i would suggest only banning student form going to arcade and stuff

straits times reflections 3
Question 1. What was Jack Neo’s vocation when he was serving the nation?

1)He was a quartermaster, then promoted to a platoon commander in an infantry unit.

Question 2. “Hard work leads to success.” To what extend do you agree with this statement?

2)i dont really agree that hard work leads to sucess as low life people use under handed methods to acheive want they want and people who work hard to attain something often lose out to the low life type of people

Friday, February 6, 2009

straits times reflection 2

Golfers, youths in brawl on green

Q1) How did the teenagers trespass into Singapore Island Country Club?

they went to mac Ritchie reservoir when they went to see some monkeys they were lost and they did not know that they had trespassed into the Singapore island country club.

Q2) Is underage drinking correct? Explain your answer.
underage drinking is not unacceptable to me because accidents can happen just because drinking makes a person do things unknowingly and so it will cause a big problem if something would have happen.
eg.accidents in car (drink driving).